Identity Crash
Jace Mac Rae
a name;
it’s meaning;
does it define me,
how do i know it?
to call for someone,
by the label gifted to them,
describe them by a handful of characters,
assume their identity from those silly syllables,
am i nothing more than one simple word to you?
after all that i have done for this world,
can the mighty multiverse offer me only the name Crash?
can one overcome
the insanity
of an identity crisis
while being who we are?
am i just that,
a crash.exe
file not found
Artist statement:
This piece I feel needs a bit more context, “Crash” is the name of a character of mine, from the same story as my sonnet called “Forever Our Legend”. Crash is a guardian of the multiverse whose name was given to them by another guardian.

Jace Mac Rae
Remain strong as windBreeze through all the storms they sendStand like a concrete tree

My Moon
Jace Mac Rae
Shinning like the moonlit sky,As wonderous as the stars,Voice like a soothing river,You let me be your daylight,When I crave you,My moon,At night.


Night Light Sample by JaceAtionINT. CLASSROOM-EVENING
LUKE TENEBRIS is looking out the window as the sun sets, his
expression is one of fear. DIANA LUME stands up, her bag
over one shoulder, and pokes Luke.
What are you doing?
Luke jumps and looks at her with shock.
You’re staring at the sky like it’s
your enemy.
Luke ignores Diana and shrugs her off, she sighs in
frustration, turning towards the door.
You know class is over, right?
Luke gulps, standing up and grabbing his belongings while he
bows his head in embarrassment. Diana glanced back at him
with concern in her tired eyes, but he ignored her.
Hello? Are you alive in there?
I’m fine-
I’ve heard that before.
Forget it, okay? I got to go.
Luke rushes out of the room, leaving Diana to the empty
room. Diana looks back out at the sun set once he’s gone.
The TRAIN slows down to a stop and a flood of people escape.
Diana steps off, compelled to look around and sees Luke get
off from another cart.
Luke walks a few steps away from the train and looks up at
the dark sky, any form of light from the sun set now gone.
He grips tightly to the straps of his backpack and looks
back down at the ground just when the train starts to leave.
The sound of it travelling behind him seemed to leave him
frozen in place.
Diana rushes over to him, hesitating to do anything while
the he seems otherwise glued to the cement ground of the
station. She gently touches his shoulder.
Luke flinched away from her, looking at her with wide eyes.
He swallows his fear and turns away from her without a word,
quickly trying to escape her presence.
Diana is now frozen in her place, watching him leave again.
She shakes her head and runs after him.

Short Stories

My Coffee Shop Boy (Sample Reading)
I loved you from the first moment I met you, to the last, and still. Five years ago from today. Before then, I'd never really lived before. I never lived before you.It was a cold, dreary day, the sky as grey and as dull as my mood. It was the evening after a long day at work. Exhausted, yet another hour from home, I stopped by the nearest coffee house to, of course, buy coffee.“Better than nothing,” I tell myself. “At least to keep me up for the taxi ride home.”A cheery cashier man was there to serve me. His smile lightened the room, as if he added all the colours to it. His eyes reminded me of oceans, the kind I've only seen on television. Yet something about them didn't match up with his happy demeanor. I began to question myself and why I bothered to register this. It was pointless to take in the qualities of my first impression of a stranger, especially since this stranger would only be a part of a mere, insignificant moment of my life.I ordered my coffee with two sugars and one cream. The cashier gave me an odd look that I couldn’t place. It was an expression I've only seen in my father when he'd look at my mother, all those years ago. I took my coffee when it was served, and like routine, checked the name on my cup to make sure that it was right. My name, Alice, was written by hand in big black letters, though, it wasn't the only thing written. Across the cup, a phone number, a name, and an odd compliment had also been written. Your voice is lovely, Ms. British Alice. I rolled my eyes, then looked back at him with a straight face, so as not to let him know whether I was interested or not. I raised a brow. It seemed as though he was watching intently to see my reaction. He shot me the brightest smile I've seen in ages.I didn't know what it was about that incredibly bright smile that got to me, but I figured I was too exhausted to deal with the matter, nor in any way refuse the offer. I let a slight smile escape my mouth, which unexpectedly brighten his eyes. They now matched the rest of his demeanour.I walked back outside, and even though it was still the same dark, rainy day, it seemed nicer out. The same day I had woken up late. The same day my car wouldn't start. The same day my boss had yelled at me for things that were actually my co-worker fault. The same day that was my birthday, though no one had remembered, except a few Facebook friends who'd probably just felt too guilty not to say something. That same day just began feeling so much more colourful, so much brighter, and altogether, better. I looked down at my coffee to read the name, Alfred. Not only had I seemingly brightened his day, but he had managed to do the same to me, in return.

Just Don't Follow Me (Sample Reading)
Jace Mac Rae
Loss comes in many forms and everyone handles it differently. In a perfect world, we could all accept death as a part of life, just one of many parts to a cycle, but that idea of perfection has its own flaws. Every loss comes at a price and causes pain, on levels that some may never know. That’s just what it is to be human.Why did she have to leave so soon?Emotions could be the blame for it all.It should have been me. I hate this world.Guilt. Rage. Jealousy. Love. Depression. Loneliness.Let me follow you.Some people handle loss better than others. Some can’t handle much at all. Suffering may be a side effect of life.***Her figure was faint as she stared at herself in the mirror. The features of her face she could not remember, so they came as a surprise to her. Her eyes were quite narrow and her nose was small. Her cheeks were a bit chubby, along with the rest of her. Her hair went no farther than her shoulders. She had been so full of life once, that she knows, but sadly no colour remained in her face now. That is until she managed to grasp one thing from her shattered memories."Erica…," she whispered to herself, her eyes glowed a brown colour. The one dash of added colour made her feel a bit more human, adding a small, soft smile from the joy the feeling gave her. "My... name is Erica."She was surprised by how many words she could grasp, simple things and objects. Yet, no specific name of anything could she apprehend. It was all too far deep in her mind to reach. Not only was she dead but she couldn’t remember herself.What was the point in that? All it did was make Erica feel awfully frustrated. It had been five days since she found herself in this weird place filled with other ghosts like her. She had awoken, you could say, in a graveyard. She didn't know enough to check the tombstone below her for her name and age.Nothing seemed to fit or make sense. It was all too complicated to comprehend. She wanted to know more; her curiosity got the best of her so she ventured further into town. Currently, she found herself in someone's apartment bathroom looking into a mirror. Erica looked at her young reflection but she couldn't fit a name or any numbers at all to herself. Until she finally remembered her name.The bathroom smelled awful like things were growing in there that should not be there. She wondered why she could register smells but not memories. Her smile faded into a frown, looking back into the dirty mirror.This is so unfair! I just want to remember. I have to remember. What’s the point of being stuck here if I can’t remember a damn thing?"Who…?" was all she could say before hearing a noise. She turned her head quickly toward the door of the bathroom.She could hear footsteps from outside. In a moment of panic, she forgot she was a ghost and then she sighed. Though curiosity still seemed to be her enemy, she wondered what dragged her here.Was it possible I had been here before?

© JaceAtion. All rights reserved.